Welcome to My Garden

We may walk on different paths, but we follow the same footprints.

This year I'm focusing on improving my running and overall health by taking the 2017 Mile Challenge and seeing where the journey takes me. I'm also revisiting the Monthly Challenge started by Nephew Jason in 2009.

I'll try to post something every day. It may be a short inspirational quote or a longer narrative. Please join me......

"If you don't try, you won't know you can."

Monday, September 4, 2017

2017 miles Day 245

A message to end your day from Tony Garcia

Before you bring this day to a close, just a thought to rest your dreams upon.
A prayer.
For you. For one in need.

May you rest this night knowing your troubles are less than your resolve to overcome.
May you rest this night knowing your struggles are helping you gather strength.
May you rest this night knowing your fears can only grow as you continue to feed them.
May you rest this night knowing your worries begin to diminish as you begin to believe.
May you rest this night knowing your ache shall lessen its grip as you allow yourself to let it go.
May you rest this night knowing your day is closing and replaying it will alter nothing about it.
May you rest this night knowing your love and light has always been enough.
May you rest this night.
This. My prayer for you. ~G

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