Welcome to My Garden

We may walk on different paths, but we follow the same footprints.

This year I'm focusing on improving my running and overall health by taking the 2017 Mile Challenge and seeing where the journey takes me. I'm also revisiting the Monthly Challenge started by Nephew Jason in 2009.

I'll try to post something every day. It may be a short inspirational quote or a longer narrative. Please join me......

"If you don't try, you won't know you can."

Monday, February 27, 2017

2017 miles Day 58

I'm only 13 miles from 300 miles for this year!!!
Now I'm calculating what is the best way to get this accomplished before the end of February. 

......Two Days......

Should I do 4 today and 9 tomorrow?  
Or, 5 today and 8 tomorrow?  
Or, 6 today and 7 tomorrow?
 ...??? ... ???

I've made my decision.  I'm going to give it my best effort and set this as a do-able goal.  I'm not going back and look at the missed runs on my calendar.  I'm not going to make excuses for running 3 miles instead of 4.  I'm not going to look back - only forward. 

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. 
~Jimmy Dean

I will look at my March calendar, set a course, and adjust my sails when necessary.  

So, what am I doing here writing on my blog when I should be lacing up my shoes?  

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