Welcome to My Garden

We may walk on different paths, but we follow the same footprints.

This year I'm focusing on improving my running and overall health by taking the 2017 Mile Challenge and seeing where the journey takes me. I'm also revisiting the Monthly Challenge started by Nephew Jason in 2009.

I'll try to post something every day. It may be a short inspirational quote or a longer narrative. Please join me......

"If you don't try, you won't know you can."

Sunday, April 9, 2017

2017 miles Day 99

Today's meditation from:  "Wanna Know a Truth", by Tony Garcia, pg. 130

Don't let procrastination take over your life.  Be brave and take risks.  
Your life is happening right now.
~ Roy Bennett

When the "have to" in your life becomes the "get to" in your life, you will understand the sheer power of gratitude.

When the "should" in your life becomes the "will" in your life, you will look back on these days without regret.

When the "need" in your life becomes the "want" in your life, you will embrace the freedom of choice.

When the "but" in your life becomes the "and" in your life, you will never again be overtaken by excuses.

When the "one day" in your life becomes the "today" in your life, you will be closer to the dream for your life.


This is the day to live the "get to" life.  Set your goals for this week.  Don't procrastinate for tomorrow.  Live today - You have made that choice.  You have come so far.  Continue to live the life you want to live.  Continue to strive to be the best You that You can be - then strive to be better!!!

Take today and Reflect.  Look at the list you made last week.  Evaluate and honestly answer the question.  "Did I accomplish my goals, or did I procrastinate and make excuses?"

Take today and Rejoice in your accomplishments so far.  Make a list of three things that You are the most proud of.  Give You a high-five and a big hug!!!  You did it.

Take today and Rest.  Today is a rest day.  Today I will take it easy and run an easy couple of miles.

Enjoy Your Sunday!!! 

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