Welcome to My Garden

We may walk on different paths, but we follow the same footprints.

This year I'm focusing on improving my running and overall health by taking the 2017 Mile Challenge and seeing where the journey takes me. I'm also revisiting the Monthly Challenge started by Nephew Jason in 2009.

I'll try to post something every day. It may be a short inspirational quote or a longer narrative. Please join me......

"If you don't try, you won't know you can."

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

2017 miles Day 163

Today's message is from Tony Garcia.  It speaks volumes!!!  Thanks Mr. Garcia!!!

This. A whisper from my heart.
It seems, more and more, we live in a world that is dominated by a "take, take, take" mentality.
This, "if a little is good, more is better" attitude. So take, take, take some more.
This, "get yours while the getting's good" idea. And do not worry about what is left for others.
And I am left to wonder the consequence and impact it is having on our children.
And so, I wanted to speak to the children about those things I hope and pray they will take.
This. An open letter.
For a child. For your child. For the child in you.
Dear Child,
You will be presented opportunities to take many things in your life. In fact, you will be encouraged to. We live in a take what you can get world.
Take this. Take that. Take some of these.
Advertisers market this idea all the time.
All in an attempt to sell you on the notion that you need their product to feel better about yourself, to feel more complete, to feel like you belong.
As I reflected upon all the messages you will receive in your lifetime about take, take, take, I came up with my own list of "takeaways".
Here are 12 things to take for a healthier and happier you. Take as many as you need. Take them in abundance.
1. Take your time: Plan, prepare, allow for growth and mistakes, do the work, do not rush the process. This is true for just about anything of value which you seek.
2. Take compliments: You steal from the person who says something genuinely kind and honest about you when you deny their words. Accept them, as the gift they are intended.
3. Take feedback: You don't know everything. You never will. Be open to learning and growing and improving.
4. Take less than you give: Be a giver. Of compliments, of kindness, of forgiveness, of a hand, of yourself, of light, of love. Unconditionally. Unselfishly.
5. Take only what you earn: You are guaranteed nothing. Do not act as if something is owed you. If you want something, earn it.
6. Take nothing for granted: Not today, not your health, not friends or family, not this one fragile, finite life.
7. Take time to just be: Relax, meditate, read, sit quietly, nap, breathe, slow down. Your body and mind and spirit will thank you.
8. Take little personally: It's not always about you. In fact, it rarely is. The meanness, pettiness, jealousy, anger, hatred, bitterness of others speaks of them, not you.
9. Take responsibility: For your actions. For your words. For your choices. Place blame at the feet of no other.
10. Take ownership: Own your story. Own your signature. Own your gifts. Own your path. These belong solely to you.
11. Take the opportunities: To explore, to chase dreams, to smile, to create, to make a difference, to dance, to laugh, to see the world, to make magic, to feel goosebumps, to participate, to express gratitude, to fully live.
12. Take it one day at a time: Do not stress about what is yet to come. Be present. Focus on now. Much is lost for looking too far forward.
Love, Me

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