Welcome to My Garden

We may walk on different paths, but we follow the same footprints.

This year I'm focusing on improving my running and overall health by taking the 2017 Mile Challenge and seeing where the journey takes me. I'm also revisiting the Monthly Challenge started by Nephew Jason in 2009.

I'll try to post something every day. It may be a short inspirational quote or a longer narrative. Please join me......

"If you don't try, you won't know you can."

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

2017 miles Day 232

Where does time go?  I've been neglecting posting, and now I'm back.  Time to get back into daily posts ... even if it is just to say "hi - how ya doin?"

The Fort Collins Fortitude 10K is in two weeks, the Monument Half-Marathon is 5 weeks away.  I just signed up for our 7th running of the Denver Colfax Half-Marathon May 20, 2018.  It'll be son Nathan and my 7th time.  I met my goal this past May, and will do my best to meet my 2017 time.  Time to focus, and stay on course.

Today's message this morning from Tony Garcia's book:  Wanna Know a Truth.

Self-talk reflects your innermost feelings.
~ Asa Don Brown

Dear Me,
It's been so long since we've talked.  And I have so much to say to you.  Hard to know where to begin.

Perhaps "I'm sorry" would be the words you most need to hear.
Seems I so often and easily offer forgiveness to others for offenses minor and grand. Yet I rarely extend it your way.

Perhaps "I believe in you." would be the words you most need to hear.
Seems I so often and easily let others know of their strength, gifts, and beauty.  Yet I rarely share such thoughts with you.

Perhaps "I love you" would be the words you most need to hear.
Seems I so often and easily share the abundance of my love with all who seek me out.  Yet I rarely dip you in that well.

And as I end this day, I come to realize so much of the wanting in my life goes away when I forgive, believe in, and love me.

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